June 30, 2015

10 Things // June 2015

June 29, 2015

Creature Feature // Narrow-Mouthed Toad

One reason that I love Herpetology so much, and this applies to pretty much anything else biology related, is that it's full of first time finds.  There are so many different species of reptiles and amphibians, and I know that no matter how many I find-there's always going to be something I haven't seen yet.  The Narrow-Mouthed Toad was one of them for me, and there just so happened to be one nestled into the damp earth beneath an old log in our back yard!  I knew what it was the instant I saw it, and I was seriously so excited.  I'm telling you...that never gets old :)

June 24, 2015

Life Lately // Laundry Days

 A few months back, our dryer decided to call it quits, and since we didn't want to rush out and buy a new one-we've resorted to line-drying our clothes.  And let me tell you-we LOVE it!  Now, it's been raining a lot here lately-so we've been having to take everything to the laundromat.  The rain seems to have cleared out for the rest of the week though, so yesterday we hung out laundry outside.  It's so relaxing and I honestly never want to invest in a dryer.  Never.  *I'll be whistling a different tune once winter rolls around.  But until then....*

June 22, 2015

3 Tips For Staying Passionate About Your Hobbies

Create a Schedule

I can't speak for everyone, but I personally LOVE listing, planning, and scheduling pretty much everything.  I'm a bit obsessed with it actually.  I'm a visual person, so having everything organized and planned out on something that I can look at makes life so much easier when it comes to me getting things done.  Making a schedule for the next months blog posts is something that I try to do every month.  I may not be the greatest when it comes to following it exactly how I've planned it-but having a schedule definitely helps me to stay motivated and passionate about my blog.  

June 15, 2015

On The Trail // Where The Gators At?

 While hiking out at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, one of the creatures we were reeeeally hoping to see was an Alligator.  The landscape seemed absolutely perfect for gators.  We hiked, and we hiked, and we hiked some more...and still no gators....

June 13, 2015

The Gulf Coast // Florida + Mississippi + Texas

via Flickr
Hi guys!  Today is a super exciting day for me, because I'm taking part in my very first collaboration post...and with two amazing photographers!  A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I'd be vacationing for a week on the Texas coast.  Kelly of Swimming in Sunshine got in touch with me and invited me to take part in a Gulf Coast collaboration post that she and Jen of Pierced Wonderings were already doing.  It was perfect timing and I'm so excited to take part in it.  I've never visited Florida or Mississippi before, but these photos are inspiring me to want to plan to Gulf Coast road trip in the future.  That would be so much fun!  Until then, I hope you enjoy our photos!  Don't forget to check out the variety of photos we've all shared on Kelly's and Jen's posts as well!

June 12, 2015

Friday Is For Favorites // Jurassic Park

Courtesy of Kate Gabrielle
Eeeep!  Jurassic World is here!!!  I have been so pumped about this movie, and I can't wait to see it today!  Jurassic Park is the very first movie that I remember seeing at the theater.  I'm sure there were others before it, but it's the first one I remember so it's extra special to me :)

June 10, 2015

Black and White // Jellies, Rays, and Sea Horses

While on our Trip to Rockport, Matthew and I made our way to the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi!  I decided to edit my favorite photos in extreme black and white to create something different, and I'm completely in love with the way they turned out.  A lot of these were really difficult for me to get a good focus on because of the glass.  Removing all of the color and increasing the contrast totally saved them and gives them a sense of mystery/magic in my opinion :)  Enjoy!

June 8, 2015

On The Trail // Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

I'm back from vacation!  In case you didn't know, Matthew and I spent all of last week in Rockport, Texas visiting family, going for hikes, and spending so much time in the sun that I got the worst sun burn of my life...which wasn't so great...but I had a blast!

June 5, 2015

Rockport // The Turtle Pond

My favorite place to visit while visiting the coastal town of Rockport, Texas? Memorial Park. Why? Because TURTLES!!!  The beach is cool and all, but for a reptile loving girl like myself...nothing beats sitting on a platform and tossing koi pellets, fruits, and veggies at these little monsters :)

June 3, 2015

At The Park // A Few Of My Favorite Shots

Although the spider in the above photo is not completely in focus, I love this picture so much.  The contrast of the web in the right half of the photo + all of the colorful bokeh in the background are so pretty!!!  I'm seriously in love with the way it turned out :)

June 1, 2015

Goals // June 2015

It's that time again....aaaand sometimes I'm not sure why I make monthly goals, because I very rarely reach any of them.  Of the 9 goals that I made for last month, I only accomplished 3 things!  Ughhh-I'm terrible, I know.  So let's see if I can accomplish more this month eh?  Let's go!

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