June 12, 2015

Friday Is For Favorites // Jurassic Park

Courtesy of Kate Gabrielle
Eeeep!  Jurassic World is here!!!  I have been so pumped about this movie, and I can't wait to see it today!  Jurassic Park is the very first movie that I remember seeing at the theater.  I'm sure there were others before it, but it's the first one I remember so it's extra special to me :)

I was going to share a Jurassic Park themed Fun Shoot Friday post today, but time got away from me this week and I just wasn't able to get it together in time.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share a few of my favorite Jurassic Park/Dinosaur themed goodies from around the web.  Aren't these all so cute!?
Courtesy of Hello Dodo

Courtesy of TinySketchbook

This would seriously be THE cutest tattoo!!!  I kinda of want it reeeeeally bad now :)

Are you going to see Jurassic World?

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