June 22, 2015

3 Tips For Staying Passionate About Your Hobbies

Create a Schedule

I can't speak for everyone, but I personally LOVE listing, planning, and scheduling pretty much everything.  I'm a bit obsessed with it actually.  I'm a visual person, so having everything organized and planned out on something that I can look at makes life so much easier when it comes to me getting things done.  Making a schedule for the next months blog posts is something that I try to do every month.  I may not be the greatest when it comes to following it exactly how I've planned it-but having a schedule definitely helps me to stay motivated and passionate about my blog.  

Learn Something New

I'm 100% a learning maniac.  I love learning and exploring new things.  Hobbies in general really excite me.  When I start feeling as though my hobby is getting away from me or that I'm becoming a little bored with it, I do a bit of exploring and find something in my hobby field that I don't know how to do yet.  If your hobby is crocheting amigurumi dolls, learn to crochet granny square blankets! If your hobby is photography, learn to make and use a pinhole camera!  Not only is learning something new so much fun, it will make you even more passionate about your hobby.

Give Yourself a Break

One of the most important tips that I want to share today is this:  Do NOT overwhelm yourself.  I have fallen victim to this time and time again.  I get tired, unmotivated, and drained of creativity.  After standing on my feet all day at work, sometimes I just don't have the energy to photograph a project for a post that I should have scheduled DAYS ago (this is where creating a schedule comes in handy!).  Sometimes we have the best plans and intentions, but life happens and we don't get the things done that we set out to do.  Don't give up!  Just give yourself a break!  The last couple of weeks have definitely been like that for me.  After getting home from my vacation at Rockport, I was completely drained.  I was nursing a second-degree sunburn, I was getting back into the routine of work, and at the end of the day all I wanted to do was go to sleep.  So that's what i did.  I took a break last week and didn't share anything on Wednesday or Friday.  I still don't think I'll have a new Fun Shoot Friday post until July 3rd, but I'm getting back on track and I look forward to sharing great things soon!

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