April 13, 2015

At The Park // Mushrooms and Millipedes

Sundays walk in the park was so much better than our previous ones have been...thank you Spring!!!  From the time I stepped out of the truck to the moment I got back in...there was something neat for me to photograph.  The Ink Cap mushrooms in the above photo were just a small little cluster sitting next to a giant patch of them.  I've personally never seen Ink Caps before, so this was a pretty awesome start to our visit ;)

I immediately headed down to the creek area which is off the trail and a short walk through the trees.  I came across tons of grasshoppers, spiders, and butterflies, but my favorite finds were these American Giant Millipedes!  Aren't they cute!?  As soon as I found the first one, I rushed off to find Matthew so that I could share the cuteness.  As soon as I spotted him I saw that he was carrying something in his closed fist too.  He was disappointed to find that I had found the same thing he had and that his was about a 10th the size of mine.  Only seconds later though, he spotted one like mine and we enjoyed watching them crawl on my arm before we let them go in the leaf litter.

On our way back to the parking lot we spotted this Hummingbird Moth!  I've only seen them a handful of times, and each time I get really excited.  Moths are neat regardless of what type, but these are so cool!

And because I want to start sharing more photos of myself, here's a shot Matthew took of me as we were leaving!

How was your weekend?


  1. Beautiful as always, Mindi! Love the grasshopper! :)

  2. Ahh so cute! I saw an illustration over the weekend of a millipede... it said, "I love you from my head to my toes...to my toes... to my toes... to my toes....to my butt". Not anatomically accurate, technically, but adorable!

    A very pretty bunch of photos!

    1. Hahaha that's hilarious!!! I love it :) And thank you!!

  3. These are such beautiful pictures. And you look so feisty! :)

    1. Haha thank you! I'm not sure why I was making that face haha-but I think feisty is a great word to describe it lol


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