April 30, 2015

10 Things/ April 2015

Not only have we gotten plenty of April showers...but we've had LOADS of my favorite weather:

I had most of my hair chopped off!  I went from this length:
 To this length:
 Oh, and I bought a pair of overalls!  P.S.  They didn't come with the snake ;)
 Things turned green again and started growing!
Some of my favorite creatures are coming out of their winter hiding places:

I made some deliciously cute (maybe creepy to some) sugar cookies!
I started a new feature involving my sweet reptilian pets: Fun Shoot Friday!
 I relived a childhood memory, and caught a cute little crawdad:
I shared a post introducing our kitties and dog!  Here's an extra photo of Wesley that i didn't include before, because I thought his drooling mouth was a bit much (he was watching the birds outside):
I changed the name of my blog and started the process of re-branding for a blog makeover!

Even more stuff I loved about April:

  • Matthew and I went to see Ex Machina and I fell in LOVE with it.  It's seriously a must see.  As a side note...Oscar Isaac rocks a super hot beard in it.  I've been secretly obsessing over him since seeing the film haha!
  • I managed to save up quite a bit of money this month and am getting closer to my savings goal for a new camera body!  I'm terrible at saving, so this is kind of a big deal :)
  • Our dryer broke this month, and so we've started line drying our clothes.  I love it.  I never want to own a dryer again.  It's so relaxing!

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