February 23, 2015

Backyard Adventure // Spiders and Stuff

While doing a bit of yard work Friday afternoon, Matthew and I ran across so many spiders!  Creepy crawlies don't usually creep me out, but I will admit that spiders have a way of making me jump :)  If I know they're there, like I did while shooting these-then I'm fine.  It's just the ones that sneak up on me that send me running away haha!  Despite missing two front legs on the right side, the spider in the following two photos didn't seem to have any trouble moving around.  S(he) slowed down enough to let me snap these photos.

This grasshoppers camouflage was amazing!  I love spotting things like this :)

I didn't think I was going to be able to find a pair of insects for my February Scavenger Hunt, but here they are!  You have no idea how excited I was to get this haha!

 Have a great week!


  1. Yuck! I hate spiders! But, these are really good photos. :)

    1. Haha thank you! Yeah I'm not a huge fan of them either...though I do like looking at them after I spot them :)

  2. great photos! i'm neither a huge fan of lil' crawlies like these nor afraid of them, but anyway they have such amazing detail on them:-) x

  3. These shots are awesome!! I love love love your macro work. :)
    I think spiders are pretty cool, and I'm definitely not an arachnophobic individual, BUT, if I am camping I spend a TON of time shaking EVERY SINGLE THING out until I am 100% positive it is spider free, because surprise spiders are NOT my favorite thing.

    1. Thank you so much! Macro is definitely my favorite :) I do the SAME thing when I go camping. It's pretty much the only thing I get paranoid about haha!


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