February 25, 2015

Backyard Adventure // Mediterranean House Gecko

Every year when the weather starts to warm up, our front porch becomes home to dozens of Mediterranean House Geckos.  They're a nocturnal species, which means we typically only ever see them at night-but while doing a bit of work outside, this one was found under a small leaf pile.  As someone who is obsessed with all things reptile, I couldn't resist handling it for a few photos :)  After jumping from my hand to my shirt a few times, it finally settled down and seemed content hanging out on my hand and wrist for a while.

I think geckos have the most incredible eyes.  They remind me of two things: Nebulas and The Eye of Sauron! :)

Do you have House Gecko's?


  1. Oh my gosh, what a little cutie! I love these photos. Also, that tattoo?? LOVE tattoos. How many do you have??

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I promise to share it on the blog at some point. I have 6 total, and plan on getting many many more :)

  2. Could this guy be any cooler?? And I totally see the eye of Sauron thing.
    I can not get over how awesome your macro work is! Feel free to give me some pointers!!

    1. Haha thank you Kelly! I'd love to share macro tips in a post at some point...I'm planning on doing it at some point (hopefully soon!).


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