September 25, 2015

Fall Goals 2015

You guys...Fall is officially here!  It certainly doesn't feel like Fall in my neck of the woods yet, but I'm very much looking forward to sweater weather and all things pumpkin.  Here are a few things I hope to accomplish within the next few months: Work my bum off (literally) for Roller Derby.  For the next 12 weeks, I'll be going to weekly practices and I want to not only be able to keep up....I reeeeally want to become an athlete.  Fitness has taken a backseat for most of my adult life-getting fit for Derby is the perfect motivation for me right now.

Do lots of pumpkin carving.  For someone who loves Halloween so much...I can't believe how long I've gone without carving a pumpkin.  I MUST make this a priority this year.

See the Blackheart Burlesque show again.  My sister and I went to this a couple of years ago, and it was so much fun!  I had never seen a burlesque show before, and knew this was the one I had to see.  Most (maybe all) of the routines are pop culture themed.  I think they've even added in a Beetlejuice bit!  It'll be here in November this year, and I can't wait to see it again!  If you want to sneak peak-watch this!

Go on a Stephen King reading binge.  I love books.  I've always been an avid reader...until this year.  I started reading Outlander last December and it's nearly October now and I'm only in the second book.  I do enjoy the story (and LOVE the show), but I just haven't been making time for reading.  I've been wanting to start a new book or series, but I hate not finishing one after I just feels wrong....but I think I'm going to have to make an exception for this.  I'll come back to it, but for the next few months-I want to get back into Stephen King books...he's my favorite :)

Camp at Dinosaur Valley!  Fall screams camping and marshmallow roasting.  After our recent trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park, I'm itching to go back-and this time I plan on taking a tent.  It's been waaaay too long since my last camping experience.

Treat myself to tons of LUSH goodies.  If I treat myself to anything this's going to be LUSH.  I started trying their hair products this year, and I've fallen in love with their Fairly Traded Honey shampoo and Happy Happy Joy Joy Conditioner.  In addition to replenishing my stores of shampoo and conditioner, I'm also ready to stock up on a variety of bath bombs, bubble bars, and fun rolls!

Get a new tattoo.  This is something that's always on my to-do list...but somehow never happens....mostly because I'm terrible at saving money.  I have plenty of ideas, so it's just a matter of saving the money and making an appointment.

Re-Open my Etsy Shop.  I put my shop into vacation mode earlier this year when we went on vacation, and just never opened it back up.  I've been wanting to re-brand my shop, and I think that's what's been holding me back from re-opening.  I'll get on that.

Watch all of my favorite Halloween-y movies.  I'll save my list for an entire post one day.  Thinking about my favorite Halloween movies give me warm fuzzies :)  I'm so excited about this season finally being here!

What are you goals this Fall?

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