September 4, 2015

NARBC // August 2015

I recently made a day of visiting the NARBC show with my Mom, Colt, and Matthew.  I try to make a point of attending reptile expos when I get a chance, and the NARBC show is my favorite.  It's massive and there's always so much to see.  I saw Axolotl's for the first time, so that was pretty awesome!  If my mom didn't have such a long drive home-I'm almost positive that she would have taken one of those little guys home.  She's never been much of a herptile fan, and with this being the first show she's ever been too-I was really surprised to see her so interested.  She even pet a few lizards!  Trust was a big deal :)

Another first for me...we got to see ball pythons hatching!  And not just that...but one of my favorite morphs colors...Banana!  It was so exciting, aren't they cute!!??

My little brother Colt was on the lookout for his next Leopard Gecko.  He has one at home and has fallen completely in love with them.  He found two that he had a hard time choosing between, and so we both got one!  Look out for an introductory post soon-I can't wait for you to meet her!  Colt went home with this pretty girl:

Interested in attending a show but don't know if there's one in your area soon?   Check out the events listings on the Kingsnake website!

If  you'd like to see more herptile show photos, check out Kelly's post from her visit to the Daytona NRBE show-her Chameleon photo is so GORGEOUS!

Have a great weekend!

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