March 11, 2015

On The Trail // Fungi

My mushroom and other fungus identification knowledge is...zilch.  I love coming across them, and I think they're a lot of fun to photograph, but I know next to nothing about them.  Mycology is something I could definitely see myself getting into, and I'd love to be able to identify different species while hiking.

I'll do some research and come back to identify these when I get a chance.  If you're reading this and you know what they are-please let me know!

Can you identify any of these?


  1. I wish I could ID them all! Mycology is not my cup of tea either, although now as soon as I am done commenting here I am going to look for an app.

    1. Haha! Let me know if you find a good one! I've completely forgotten my password on my phone and haven't downloaded any apps in a long time..but this might be worth the trouble :)

  2. Great shots!



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