March 9, 2015

Fort Worth Nature Center // Texture

After a morning full of rain, Matthew and I headed out to the Fort Worth Nature Center which is a short drive from our house.  I was so hopeful that I would be able to find at least ONE reptile.  I turned log after log and rock after rock, but they were all hiding somewhere else I guess.  Hopefully I'll have better luck next time!  I did get tons of photos full of texture though!

The following two photos might be my favorite, and I think it would be a great little project to start.  I've never really given too much thought in regards to how different tree surfaces are, but after taking these photos, I'll definitely be paying more attention!

As a side note, I changed my blog design!  I loved my old template, but I was ready for a change.  I love that the photos are a little larger now, and the dark colors are a better fit for my navigation and sidebar items.  Let me know if there's anything that would help to improve your experience!  Have a great week!


  1. I love your new blog design!!!

    And, these photos are just beautiful!!

  2. I love the new look! I especially love that it looks perfect in the mobile browser --- I thought that I was FINALLY happy with mine, until I saw that on a mobile devices it's a MESS. Huge bummer, because now I'm in the market for a theme yet again. :( :( Oh well.

    I love all these texture shots! Such pretty details when you really get up close. I love photographing interesting textures too - I have folders upon folders of up close photos of trees and fungi and things that I have no idea what I'll ever do with. :P

    1. Oh no that IS a bummer-I love your current design!

      You should definitely share your tree/fungi photos!!!

  3. Goodness, the textures and colors in these photos are phenomenal! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love these. All the beautiful textures warm my heart. :D


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