March 3, 2015

Life Lately // 2

Sweet Valentines Goodies // Catching up on some research!
I didn't intend on waiting a whole month to do another Life Lately post, but oh well!  This will be a fun little round up of February :)  Matthew got me a cute little Sonny Angel doll that I've been wanting to start collecting.  Isn't it cute!?  Along with the doll, he also got me a a ginormous Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas book and a big bag of Lush bath goodies.  I've been reading up on that book as well as the Texas Bug Book, both of which are going to be a huge help for knowing and finding my subjects this spring :)

The vast majority of the winter season here in Texas has hovered between 50 and 80 degrees.  Over the past week, we finally got some winter weather!  I think we possibly got more snow that I've ever seen in Texas.  I enjoyed wearing these cute little bear shoes I picked up at Gander Mountain and snuggling with Matthew and the animals.
Weather Forecast // Snuggly Bear Shoes
Neighborhood view from my car // Brandi enjoying the snow
Early in February, we visited the NARBC show (see the post here!), and my little brother brought home a handsome little Leopard Gecko.  I picked up a postcard for the Texas Rattlesnake Festival, which is a new annual event held in Texas.  It's goal is to educate the public on Rattlesnakes, not eradicate them.  I'm so happy that there is finally something like this in Texas.  The world's largest Rattlesnake Roundup is held in Texas each year.  Having an annual Festival that teaches respect and admiration for animals instead of negativity towards them is a giant step in the right direction.
My little brothers Leopard Gecko // NARBC and Texas Rattlesnake Roundup stuff
Over the past few days, I've binge watched the first two seasons of Vikings, and am completely obsessed with it now.  If you love world history, I definitely recommend checking this show out.  After watching the show, I've also decided that I must master braided faux hawks and side braids.  I've never been any good at French Braiding my own hair, but I'm determined to learn it.  Here's my first attempt at a little side one:
Viking side braids // Save our Rattlesnake bracelet
WISHLIST:  I am loving just about everything at Look Human.  In my previous Life Lately post, I mentioned the Bradley Cooper shirt that I wanted (and now have!).  I've been wanting this "Desolation of Smeowg" shirt, and I finally ordered it a few days ago.  I can't wait for it to be here!  On March 10th this Wes Anderson Vinyl is being released!  I'm a HUGE Wes Anderson fan, and am really looking forward to this :)

  • Great Spring Weather!!!
What have you been up to lately?


  1. Those slippers look so warm and cozy!! Your weather looks a lot like Missouri's lately. Also, you are so pretty!!!

    1. Awww thank you Stephanie! And those slippers are sooo comfy :)

  2. Haha I love that the Texas Bug Book says The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

    1. It's such a neat book! It was written with garden lovin' folk in mind, so it's packed full of handy tips on where to and when to find what insects. So cool ;)

  3. Great post! That lizard is beautiful!!

    I've nominated you for the Sisterhood of the world bloggers Award! You can check it out here


    1. Thank you so much Renee! I'm headed over to check it out now!


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