November 28, 2014

Backyard Adventure: Thanksgiving Day 2014

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!  It was so nice to go home and spend time with my family and pig out on delicious Thanksgiving food :)  After eating and visiting for a few hours, I headed outside with my camera and here are a few of the critters I found!

I'm particularly fond of the butterfly photo.  I believe it's a Sulphur Butterfly...if anyone knows for sure please share in the comments!  My grandma was out walking with me at the time and we both got excited when we spotted it.  It took a few minutes for it to finally not fly away as I approached, but it finally settled and let me get a few shots.  Aside from the shadow on the lower back part of the wings, I love the way it turned out!

I nearly missed getting the photo of the ladybug on my hand, but got excited when it started flying away right as I snapped the photo.

I really miss living in the country.  As we were packing up the truck to head home later that night, we were greeted by the sound of coyotes howling in the distance when we walked out the front door.  I miss things like that so much!

Equipment Used:
Nikon D3100
Nikon 40mm f2.8

I hope you have a great weekend!!!


  1. I love these photos. Macro photography is one of my favorites. I just ordered a lens that has a macro function on it. I cannot wait to test it out!

    The lady bug is my favorite. :)

    1. Awesome! I can't wait to see what you do with it! And thank you-I love the ladybug one too :)

  2. It is great that you were able to capture so small living creatures. We could see them through the lens of your camera. It is amazing.

  3. Those are very unusual creatures. I think that they will be totally unthinkable for us if we could see them in detail!


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