November 21, 2014

At The Park: Leaf-Footed Bug

I went for a solo walk in the park the other day, and it seems the place had been taken over by Leaf-Footed Bugs!  They were everywhere!  Aside from a few deer that I spotted, the only other critter I found was a single dead Harvester Ant.

I love how alien-like insects are.

Equipment used:
Nikon D3100
Nikon 40mm f2.8


  1. Wow! I love the texture in these. I haven't been using my 40mm that much - but now I am inspired!

    1. Eeep! Thank you Kelly! I was feeling a bit iffy about these because of the stark contrast of what's in focus compared to what's not, but I'm glad you love the texture and I feel loads better about them now :)

  2. Great shots. I absolutely love Macro photography! I love the detail you captured.


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