November 25, 2014

Backyard Adventure: Late November

I've stayed mostly indoors for the past few days, enjoying the rain and fall-like weather around here.  We missed our weekend hike this past weekend, but I did venture into the backyard again to see what I could find.  I wish the winter weather would get here already, it looks and feels like early Fall still!

Did you ever pick up a stinkbug when you were a kid?  I'm pretty sure I only did it once.  If you've ever held one, you'll know why I never did it again haha!  These little guys sure do live up to their name!  I believe this one is a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug.  Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Equipment used:

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. It's been really rainy where I am, and we were under tornado watches all day, so my husband and I had to forgo our plans for today too. :(

    I seriously LOVE the textures in your close ups!!!!

    1. Thank you Kelly! Hopefully the weather gets better soon!

  2. These photos are beautiful! I love the second one. I take a lot of photos in my backyard. :)

    1. Thank you Stephanie! There's always at least something back there just waiting to be found :)

  3. Your walk was filled with a special atmosphere of the autumn day. This time gave the opportunity to be alone with the nature, to feel it.

  4. That is a nice representation of the calm walk in the park or in the other similar place. I like those walks.


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