June 16, 2016

Photo An Hour

So, in my previous post, I mentioned that I wanted to begin one or more photography projects.  Well my friends, here's the first one I've decided to run with!  I got this idea from Kaylah, and thought it would be a great reason for me to carry my camera around for an entire day just documenting the little things.  It also forced me to practice using different settings in my camera depending upon where or what I was doing at any given time as the day went on.  Overall, I'm super excited to do this again next month :)

9:20  I made breakfast for Matthew and myself.  This was actually my first time making Sunny Side Up Eggs!  I usually go for scrambled eggs, but thought these might make for a prettier photo.  Photography + Kitchen Adventures = Score!
10:00 After breakfast, I showered and got ready for the day.  These are my current makeup essentials.
11:24 Packed my gear into a backpack for the day, and loaded up the car for a drive to a State Park we hadn't visited before.  My vintage E.T. doll was along for the ride for a second photography project I'm starting.
12:18 Listening to some tunes on the road.  I have a serious fascination with serial killers (real life and fictional), and so I'm a big fan of this song.  It's a tribute to Buffalo Bill, the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs.
1:21 During our hike, we spotted lizards, frogs, damselflies, and a few roadrunners!  I wasn't fast enough to photograph the roadrunners, but I love this shot I got of one of the Leopard Frogs we saw :)
2:45 After our hike, we spent some time cruising through the park, taking wildflower photos, and checking out the campsites and trail systems for our next trip out there.  I'll share more about this place in an upcoming post, but it's seriously my new favorite hiking spot.  I can't wait to go back!
3:16 While planning our trip, Matthew stumbled upon a website for a Fossil Digging park that was nearby.  We were almost too tired to visit this place after our hike, but it was so close and sounded so neat that we couldn't skip out.  Let me just say this: I do not do well in heat.  It was in the 90's that day, sunny, and not very breezy.  I tend to get pretty beat down by the sun if I'm not careful, and this day was no exception.  We didn't stay here too long, but it was reeeeally cool, and I want to plan better for the next time we visit.
4:20 Definitely the kind of day that called for a DQ Ice Cream Cone.  Man oh man, those things are so yummy!
5:05 One of the neighborhood tomcats was waiting to be fed and loved on when we pulled into the driveway.  This guy is such a big sweetheart!
6:41 After a refreshing shower and change of clothes, I decided it was time for a fresh coat of nail polish.  I'm stuck on green right now, but have been using the crap out of my Revlon Posh.  I decided to change it up and use a a couple of my Essie polishes.  The pale green is Mojito Madness, and the soft pink is Fiji.
7:12 Getting dinner started, and winding down for an evening of relaxation.
8:00 I was in the mood for something funny, so I decided to go with "For A Good Time Call...".  If you haven't seen this one and your up for a good laugh, I highly recommend it.  It's such a fun movie.  It didn't take long for the day to catch up with me, and I was out pretty quick.

There you have it!  My first installment of the Photo An Hour Project!  I'm going to have a great time going back and looking at these when the end of the year gets here.

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