This post is most definitely NOT a pity party, and I don't want to come across as a "poor pitiful me" girl right now. I'm 100% in charge and responsible for the decisions I've made and will make. If I want something, I need to make smart goals and stop being discouraged when something doesn't happen as quickly as I'd like it to.
Having said that, I'm considering taking yet another break from blogging while I focus on getting myself healthy and happy. That doesn't necessarily mean that I'll be gone for months at a time again, but my content might be less frequent and a bit different. Instead of writing content to go with my photos, you might only see my most recent photography work instead. I've been considering adopting a more minimal/visual approach to blogging for a while, and I think it's going to be the right direction for me. I'm also considering making a switch from Wordpress to Squarespace in the near future, but I haven't decided yet.
I want to remove as much stress as possible from my life right now, and just focus on improving the basics that I know cause me the most stress. Over the next 6 months:
- I'll be working on connecting more with nature by spending more time outside, hiking more frequently, and traveling when I can.
- I'll be working harder on eliminating credit card debt, and focusing more on saving the money I earn so that I can afford to treat myself.
- I'll be working on improving my diet, and developing a simple outdoor activity schedule to ensure that I do something active every day.
By the end of the year, I want to feel more refreshed and full of energy, so that I can venture outside of the basics, and start improving other areas of my life.
What are your favorite ways to cope with stress and/or lack of motivation?
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