June 26, 2016

Flowers From E.T.

I've been feeling a bit lost this year, as I mentioned a few posts back, and as much as I'd like to say that I've found my way back, it's just not true. I'm unhappy with myself and my work.  I'm constantly daydreaming and planning for the things that I want to do, but not setting any time aside to actually accomplish anything.  My lack of energy and motivation has got me stuck in a circle of planning and not doing, spending too much of my time indoors instead of outdoors, and generally just feeling sad about where I am at this point in my life.

June 16, 2016

Photo An Hour

So, in my previous post, I mentioned that I wanted to begin one or more photography projects.  Well my friends, here's the first one I've decided to run with!  I got this idea from Kaylah, and thought it would be a great reason for me to carry my camera around for an entire day just documenting the little things.  It also forced me to practice using different settings in my camera depending upon where or what I was doing at any given time as the day went on.  Overall, I'm super excited to do this again next month :)

June 14, 2016

2016 Summer Wishlist

Nearly everything on my "I wish I had money so I could buy..." list lately is from Urban Outfitters.  Pretty much every item on their website is something I want to have.  In fact, I love their stuff so much-that only one item on this list is from somewhere else!  If I ever, by some miracle, fall into a large sum of money...I will fill my life with Urban Outfitters stuff.  For now, I'm going to try and pinch my pennies so that I can spend my summer collecting all of these gems :)

June 10, 2016

The Past 6 Months

Whew, I bet you were wondering if I would ever be back here huh?  After the longest blog break I've ever taken, I'm happy to say that I'm back and ready to move forward.  My previous post was in January, and it covered my goals and plans for the year.  I won't turn this into a Debbie Downer post (Good Vibes Only!), but to make a long story short, I basically ran myself straight into a wall of self-doubt and depression and all of my goals and plans took an extended vacation.  I couldn't get motivated or inspired to get out and enjoy the things I love most, I didn't touch my camera for extended periods of time, and all I wanted to do after getting home from work most days was snuggle under a blanket, turn on the TV, and eat junk food.  I feel like I'm finally coming out of my slump for good, and I'm soooo ready to jump back into photography and share the things that make me happy.  I've missed it so much!  So let's get to it:

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