_Lose 8 Pounds.
I started utilizing Plan To Eat last month...which encouraged me to cook more at home...which encouraged me to stop eating take-out and fast-food all the time...which caused me to drop 4 pounds! I've also been going for lots of walks at the park and playing Tennis with Matthew in the evening :)
This was a total fail last month, and I sadly did absolutely no herping :( Hopefully I'll have some extra money this month to invest in a new hook so I can get my herp on!
_Hike at Dinosaur Valley State Park
I've been wanting to visit this place for SUCH a long time! It's only an hour and a half drive from here, so there should be no excuse for not making this happen this month :) I want a photo of my feet in a real dinosaur track BAD!!!
_Reveal my plans for the "Secret Project" I've been working on!
This is something I've been working on for a little while now, and things are beginning to come together. It won't be officially launched until the Spring of 2016, but I've got a lot of work and research ahead that I hope I'll be able to complete by then!
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