December 31, 2016

2017 Goals and Intentions // A New Approach

Before writing this post, I scrolled back through previous annual goals lists of mine, and noticed something.  They're pretty much the same list.  Ooops!  Guys, I am such a procrastinator and it is not even funny at all.  Every year that goes by, I look back at the things I wanted to accomplish only to realize that I didn't do much in the way of reaching them.  I could come up with a load of excuses that might make me feel better...but I know they would just be I'm not gonna do that.  Instead I'm going to take a new approach to meeting my goals.  I tend to look at the big picture and imagine myself at the end of the year.  What would my life look like...what would I look would I spend my days if at the end of the year I could cross off everything on my list?  That strategy just ends up making me feel like I'm in a never ending tunnel...I can see the end and it feels like I'm moving forward...but the end of that tunnel just keeps getting further and further away.  Soooo.....instead of taking that approach, I'm going to just relax and take this year one month at a time.  I'm just going to have fun with it and see where it leads me.  If I want to alter or replace a goal 6 months from now, I'll do that and not feel bad about it.  I want to see what happens if I just take things one day at a time and make an effort to remain positive throughout.  So here are my intentions for the year in no particular order:

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