August 17, 2015

Time To Reflect

After what seems like an eternity of being away from Lady Serpentine, I'm happy to announce that I'm back!  These past few weeks have been a much needed time for me to reflect on life-the things I want to do as well as the things that I don't.  I took a step back from everything (I didn't even touch my camera this whole time) and just let myself have time to do nothing but think about things.  I feel like I was letting myself sink into a funk, but I'm beginning to feel much better :)

One thing that I came out of this "funk" with, is the want and need to DO more.  Over the past few years, I think I've let living get away from me.  There have been too many instances where I've thought about doing something, only to tell myself that I'll "start tomorrow" but I never actually do it.  I was flipping through my photo archives recently and came across some photo from when I used to be a beekeeper.

I used to work a job that allowed me to read...a LOT.  I was constantly checking out books from the library, and I remember checking out Beekeeping For Dummies and immediately deciding that I was going to take up beekeeping as a hobby.  I got online and ordered my bees as soon as I had the money, and was so excited when my buzzing package arrived in the mail.  The photos on the left side of the collage were from the day I installed them into their hive.  I was incredibly nervous, but I remembered everything I had studied about installing the bees, and I successfully got through it without any stings.  I ended up moving a couple of years later, and my beekeeping days came to an end.  Seeing those photos as I flipped through my archives made me consider the fact that I really miss it.  It's been such a long time since I spontaneously decided to take up a new hobby.  I miss that about myself too.

I've talked to my mom about setting up a couple of hives on her property since I can't have them where I live, and I can't wait to start beekeeping again.  It's going to be expensive to get back into since I no longer have any of my equipment.  I'm currently saving for a down payment on a new car, so I'll have to wait a bit before I pursue it, but I'm determined to get that part of my life back.

To keep myself accountable, I may start a new feature on hobbies I'd like to take up...sort of like a wishlist post of things I'll need to start and why I want to do it.  What do you think?    

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