May 27, 2015

At The Park // I Love Turtles

We're halfway to the weekend you guys, and I'm ultra excited about it because I'm leaving to go on vacation this Friday!  For the past few years, Matthew and I have headed to Rockport, Texas to spend a week relaxing, hiking Gulf Coast trails, and beach-combing at the Padre Island National Seashore.  I. Am. So. Excited!

One of my favorite things to do in Rockport, is feed the turtles at one of the local parks.  I seriously love turtles.  I could literally spend an entire day at that park, and never get tired of taking photos of those little guys :)  Prepare to see an entire post full of turtles when I come back!
In the meantime, here's a little turtle shoot I did at one of the parks here in town :)
Getting a macro shot is becoming a must for me.  I can't help it!  Macro shots are my favorite :)  I know I'm probably sounding like a broken record, because I know I've said it a handful of times...but reptile eyes are amazing!  How pretty is the green of this guys eye!?  He finally got fed up with my lens and high-tailed it into the water.

I hope you're having a great day!

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