January 1, 2015

Scavenger Hunt // January 2015

Happy New Year everyone!  I don't know about you, but I didn't do so well with my December scavenger hunt.  I'd like to blame the busy holidays on my lack of effort, but I'll be honest-I was super lazy about it!  I decided to change this months scavenger hunt a bit by excluding the color category.  Here's what I checked off of my December list:

Single Leaf and Green


Animal Tracks


Quite disappointed in my lack of commitment to my own scavenger hunt, but I'm really looking forward to starting the year off right and working hard to get everything on my January list!  If you participated in my December hunt I'd love to see what you got!

Happy New Year and good luck on January's Scavenger Hunt!


  1. Love your shots! I posted my batch of finds today too. :D My next goal is to get animal tracks & a fossil. I think I know just the place!!

    1. Thank you! Good luck with the tracks and fossil! I love that baby gator in your post today! So stinkin' adorable :)


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