May 6, 2018

Life Lately // Back In Texas

Hello friends!  Much has changed again since my previous post...with even more change to come.  I'd like to keep private the details of my relationship and reason for having to come back to Texas, but I plan on heading back to Montana some time in the coming months! 

February 27, 2018

Far Out Scout // Life Changes

It's been nearly a year since my last blog post...and so much has changed!  First of all, for readers new and old, welcome to my re-branded blog: Far Out Scout (previously Lady Serpentine)!  With all of the changes that have happened over the past year and feeling like a completely different myself a new blog identity just felt like the right thing to do.  Alright!  So let's get to the exciting stuff!  What's changed over the past year, and what have I been up to?  Read on my friends!

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