October 25, 2016

Illustration Diary // 1

The past several weeks have been so artistically productive for me, and I'm excited to start this new series: Illustration Diary.  Every 4 weeks or so, I'd like to share illustrations that I've been working on, as well as non-illustration projects that slip in every now and then.

October 18, 2016

Hiking Lake Mineral Wells

It's finally beginning to feel like Fall around these parts, and I couldn't be happier.  The brutal heat of Summer in the South is slowly being replaced by cool breezes, falling leaves, and cooler temperatures.  We were still in the 90's during our hike this past Sunday at Lake Mineral Wells State Park, but you wouldn't have known had it not been for the steady breeze.

October 11, 2016

10 Essential Horror Comedies

With Halloween creeping up in just a few short weeks, I like to fit in as many scary movies as time allows.  Between work and side-projects that I'm doing at home, trying to fit in a variety of classic, monster, ghost, serial killer, and family friendly Halloween movies can be quite the task.  This year I decided to make a list of movies separated into sub-genres like I mentioned above.  As I was creating my lists, I thought about how most "Top Favorite Halloween Movie" lists don't include many Comedy Horror films.  But that's a shame, because being made to jump AND laugh excessively during the same film is the BEST!   So, if you're looking for something spooky or thrilling with a sprinkle of giggles on top...be sure and add these to YOUR Halloween watch list!

October 2, 2016

101 in 1001

Knowing myself, and that I always have a hard time sticking to goal lists that start at the start of the year, or the beginning of the month...I've decided to jump into the Day Zero Project, and create a 101 in 1001 list to start NOW!  I was a bit surprised by how quickly I came up with this list, and having 1001 days in which to try and accomplish most, if not all, of the items on my list...is making me more excited than usual to get started.  So here we go:

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