November 16, 2015

At The Park // From The Treetops

It's finally beginning to look and feel like Fall around here...and I'm loving it SO much! I don't know about you guys, but when I know I'm going to be heading out with my camera...I want to take practically every piece of equipment I own. I've got a backpack that I can pretty much fit everything into, and I usually tote it around with me every time I'm going to be doing something outdoors. I cringed at the idea of taking my camera, my 50mm lens, and nothing else...but decided to challenge myself to use just one lens. I'm always afraid that if I don't have everything with me...I'll spot something incredibly photo worthy and not have the right gear. Is it just me, or does everybody feel that way? Although my 50mm did just fine (and I LOVE my 50!), I definitely want to keep lugging everything along with me for now.

November 11, 2015

Derby Diary 2

So. Much. Has. Happened in the past month you guys!!!  Since my last Derby post, I've had several "on-skates" practices, learned tons of new cool stuff, and have gotten past the nervous stage of socializing with people (okay maybe not completely past that stage...but I'm getting there!). When I first became interested in joining the program, my goal was to be drafted to a team by the end of the session in January.  I'll be super stoked if that happens...but my new derby goals are to just get fit, have fun, and not fret about whether or not I'll pass assessments or get drafted in January.  I'm having too much fun to worry about anything else right now :)

November 9, 2015

Backyard Adventures // Buzz Buzz Buzz

Our backyard is currently covered in weeds and yellow flowers....which means it's also full of butterflies, bees, and a variety of other insects :)  I had plans of going hiking yesterday, but they fell through and I had to make due with exploring the back yard instead.  Which was fine-because I love insects :) I've always wanted to get a nice shot of a giant bumblebee, but they tend to buzz away before I'm able to get close enough.  This one was nice enough to crawl around just long enough for me to get a few shots before it decided it had had enough.

November 4, 2015

Food + Fitness

After my first two hour Roller Derby practice, it was more clear than it ever has been...I really need to commit to making fitness a priority in my life.  I said goodbye to my healthy weight range about 4 years ago, and it's been such a struggle to stay motivated to make the right choices for my body.  Getting involved in Derby has really gotten me motivated to not only lose weight, but to make my body strong and healthy.  I knew I would feel sore after practices (and I do!!!), but I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be.  My biggest struggle so far has been stamina.

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